Lovely Weather (for a change) and a very important announcement for all of you guys.

Lovely Weather (for a change)

Hiya guys, Georgia here.

I’m absolutely shattered after a really long walk with my dog Luna.
It’s so nice to be able to walk in London without getting soaking wet like the last few weeks.

So, because I’ve got some really great news, I wanted to get this out the moment I stepped through my door, so here goes…

Firstly, I hope you are all having a really cool start to the month.
Secondly, in case you hadn’t heard about it, this is just a progress update on my Lil G’s NFT collection.

I’ve been working really hard with a bunch of cool guys at OnfireNFT who are putting together an amazing NFT collection for my first ever NFT Drop.
I decided to call the collection “Lil G’s” and as you will see they look absolutely stunning.

We commissioned a design from a very talented artist in South America who along with OnfireNFT have crafted this awesome collection.

Stay tuned for further updates both here and on my Instagram Channel.
We are planning to let some of you guys get access to the collection before the general public so it is important to keep an eye out for my Lil G’s updates.

You can also Register for Prelaunch to be 100% sure you get added to my priority updates list.

By registering you will also be the first to know when the collection Drops and the Lil G’s NFT’s are available to buy.